Being overweight risks having difficulty having children. Both women and men

Because the cause of difficulty having children may come from your lifestyle habits. Therefore, parents who plan to have children must know. That being สมัคร ufabet overweight risks having difficulty having children. This is because being overweight or obese affects the reproductive system of both women and men as follows:
Hormone fluctuations Because women who are overweight and fat will There is abnormal production of estrogen. This causes hormones in other reproductive systems to be unbalanced and also results in abnormalities related to the reproductive system, such as
- Irregular ovulation
- Menstruation is not normal.
- poor egg quality
- You are at risk for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Overweight in men often leads to Testosterone Imbalance (Testosterone) Which affects sperm such as
- Sperm count decreased
- Unhealthy sperm
- abnormal sperm movement
- abnormal sperm shape
- Erectile dysfunction
All of these abnormalities result in infertility. Therefore, having a healthy weight and preparing for all aspects of your health at least 3 months before conception will increase your chances of conceiving. It also increases the chance that the baby will be healthy. Because it reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy as well.
If you are planning to have a child and are unsure whether you are at risk of infertility or not. It is recommended to consult a doctor who is an expert in infertility treatment and reproductive medicine in order to plan and treat appropriately.