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Category Archives: Game and Sport

Roulette vs Craps: Which is Better in Casino online.

Casino online gambling is interesting as it follows the bettors’ progression and maturity in gambling. People don’t typically enter the casino for the first time in their lives and go straight for poker. No, usually they go for something nice, easy and exciting. Such as

What games are available on live casino sites?

As we all know There are many types of casino games. Each game is unique and different fun. In the category of live casino games. Most of them are table games that are easy to play and end quickly to open the next round for players to win instantly. Some

Live Casino.

Live casino is an online version of playing casino table games. The software developer has created a system for players to access and play casino games via computer or mobile phone. Which is the specialty of playing live casinos. The ability for players to follow the game, place

The Point Bet in Craps game.

If we imagine that a 6 was roll in Craps game. Then this becomes the Point number and the players chip is moved from the Pass section to the number 6 section of the board game. The Craps game continues until either a 6 (win

The Different Craps Bet Types.

As discussed earlier in this article. The pass line and the don’t pass Craps Bet are the most popular among beginners. That’s because these bets are simple and have better odds compared to other wagering alternatives. You’ll find these options on the outer side of

The Craps Table.

Depending on the casino, a craps table could be 12ft long, but you can find smaller tables. The table can hold up to 16 players, and unlike blackjack tables, players here do not sit while playing. Smaller craps tables have up to 8 players. At