We often see each other often that if you are allergic to cow’s milk, drink goat’s milk instead. That’s because Although goat’s milk contains more fat. But there are medium-chain and short-chain fatty acids. While cow’s milk contains long-chain fatty acids. the difference is The higher the number of carbon atoms found in the fat molecules of long-chain fatty acids. The harder it is for your body to digest.
Because these atoms require bile salts from the liver and enzymes from the pancreas. To be digested before being absorbed by the intestines and converted into energy, this means that there are many people whose pancreas cannot digest these enzymes. Medium chain and short chain fatty acids in goat milk do not require pancreatic enzymes to digest. Because it is absorbed directly into the blood stream and can be used as energy immediately without being converted into fat first. And not only does it not accumulate as fat only Goat milk can also lower cholesterol.

- Drink to avoid allergies to cow’s milk protein.
- Contains less lactose People with mild lactose intolerance can drink it.
- Goat’s milk makes the milk sediment (curd) smaller and softer. The enzymes in the stomach can be digested faster than cow’s milk.
- Goat’s milk converts dietary carotene into vitamin A more effectively than cow’s milk UFABET
Can babies drink goat milk?
Although goat’s milk is easier to digest. But this does not mean that it is more nutritious than infant formula. (In the case that the child is unable to breastfeed) and if it is not pasteurized, there is a risk of infection as well. Additionally, has a more pungent smell and fishy taste than cow’s milk. which may make it difficult for the baby to eat Therefore, it is better to consult with your doctor first. Your doctor may recommend drinking goat’s milk during your toddler years.